When you compare "contract. d1" to "contract. d2", save the comparison as" contract. c21 "and print it to show the client what changes were made. 当你用软件比较“合同.草1”和“合同.草2”两个版本时,最好将软件的分析结果打印出来给客户看,让他知道变化在哪里。
Compare and contrast with Japan where deflation has become entrenched, but the country retains a central bank willing and able to print money. 让我们将它们与日本做一个对比。日本的通缩已根深蒂固,但该国保留了一个愿意且能够印钞的央行。
Based on this system, we can compare these national characters, translate them from each other automatically and print these mixed national characters. 打印驱动模块。该系统可用于多民族文字的比较研究、机器翻译及混合排版。
It also can process the received data, simulate animation, draw curve, compare and analyze data, manage the database, display diagram and print them out. 监控主机进行数据的分析处理、变化曲线的绘制、数据库管理和查询分析、图表显示和报表的打印输出;